Original Research

"Cloud Computing with Real Clouds" - Cyr, Michael E., January 2013, Association of Cloud Computing and Meteorological Research.

Summary: As a possible alternative to environmentally damaging Internet data-centers filled with expensive cloud computing equipment, this research team investigated the possibility and practicality of using real clouds as a platform to support quantum computing at the sub-raindrop level.

"Mate Selection and Genetic Pre-disposition for Asparagusic Acid Olfactory Capability" - Cyr, Michael E., December 2008, National Institute for Excessively Gross Research.

Summary: Previous studies have estimated that the ability to detect the smell of "Asparagus Pee" is inherent in only 22% of the population. However, other evidence suggests that "Asparagus pee smellers" tend to cluster together in familial units. This study sought to determine if geneticly-derived "Asparagus pee-smelling capability" is a significant factor in mate selection and by what mechanism such selection may occur.

"Correction Lag in Temporal Displacement Grandfather Paradox Resolution" - Cyr, Michael E., June 2012, Institute for Temporal Consistency, Federation of Planets.

Summary: Traditional grandfather paradox interpretation in temporal displacement practice predicts beaconing between realities as one's grandfather is alternately alive and dead through cause and effect ripple cycles. This study sought to determine the shape of the temporal correction waveform through these cycles. Contrary to common portrayals and anecdotal reports, the cause and effect ripple cycles are instantaneous and result in infinitely short duration loops, thereby permanently halting the affected timeline. Follow on research determined that quantum fluctuations and uncertainty result in different but almost identical timelines branching from the initial instance of the paradox causal event. It remains unknown the fate of the affected timeline itself.

"Internet Capital and Knowledge Capital Self Determination" - Cyr, Michael E. March 2013, Journal of Cyber Marxism.

Summary: Philosophical and economic inquiry into the question of whether the Internet and information-based economies have created a practical Marxist information utopia in the sense that Internet participants are in control of their information capital, including meta-information about their own Internet activities?